Harlow, et al. v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Case. No. 7:24-cv-00424
Welcome to the Settlement website for Harlow, et al. v. Wells Fargo Bank.
The United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia (the “District Court") approved the Settlement on October 11, 2024. The Settlement Administrator distributed initial automatic checks by U.S. mail on November 25, 2024, to Class Members who did not "opt out" of the Settlement.
Please check your mail carefully and timely cash the check when received! (Failure to cash the check may result in loss of possible additional disbursements.)
In addition, there is still time to submit a claim!
You may request additional compensation if you feel that being placed into forbearance caused you to suffer damages in excess of the amount that you will automatically receive for being in the Settlement Class.
The deadline to submit a claim is January 7, 2025.